Young Canada Works Program...In Heritage Institutions Summer Student Program
"Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians." A stream of Canadian Heritage is the Young Canada Works program, which is employed every summer by a variety of organizations.
Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations is a summer program that gives students the opportunity to learn about Canada's history and cultural heritage through the creation of jobs that allow them to assist heritage organizations and agencies. The program is for students ages 16 to 30, and work terms can last for up to 16 weeks.
The aim of the program for the student is to "acquire work experience related to their studies and allow them to explore career opportunities." It also allows i some instance for a "great geographic exchange experience" and the "ability to develop a network" in the field they are studying.
The aim of the program for the employer is to subsidize the wage of the youth employed, while allowing the incorporated, non-profit organization to "hire students with skills specifically related to the organizations needs".
For more information about the program, please visit the National Trust for Canada and Young Canada Works websites.
We would like to thank the Young Canada Works program and by association Canadian Heritage for the opportunity of once again participating in the program in 2017.
Heritage Winnipeg welcomes Cheryl Mann the 2017 summer student.
Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations is a summer program that gives students the opportunity to learn about Canada's history and cultural heritage through the creation of jobs that allow them to assist heritage organizations and agencies. The program is for students ages 16 to 30, and work terms can last for up to 16 weeks.
The aim of the program for the student is to "acquire work experience related to their studies and allow them to explore career opportunities." It also allows i some instance for a "great geographic exchange experience" and the "ability to develop a network" in the field they are studying.
The aim of the program for the employer is to subsidize the wage of the youth employed, while allowing the incorporated, non-profit organization to "hire students with skills specifically related to the organizations needs".
For more information about the program, please visit the National Trust for Canada and Young Canada Works websites.
We would like to thank the Young Canada Works program and by association Canadian Heritage for the opportunity of once again participating in the program in 2017.
Heritage Winnipeg welcomes Cheryl Mann the 2017 summer student.